Bibliographic Database

TRACK’s bibliographic database is an indexed digital collection of mainly open-access published literature resources, including academic books and journal articles, conference proceedings, policy papers, reports, as well as governmental and legal publications. Under the topic “Gender Considerations”, various aspects of corruption and gender are brought together, such as issues pertaining to gender disparities, gender equality and women’s empowerment, gender-based violence, the differentiated impact of corruption, gender in public governance and policy, and gender specific dimensions of corruption. The database is non-exhaustive and is being updated periodically. Proposals and contributions are welcomed and would be considered for inclusion. 

{{item.values['literatureAbstract.bibliographicReference.originalTitle_s1'] | uppercase}}

Author(s): {{item.values['literatureAbstract.bibliographicReference.authors.author_s'].join('; ')}}
Year: {{item.values['literatureAbstract.bibliographicReference.year_s1']}}
Original Language: {{item.values['literatureAbstract.bibliographicReference.originalLanguage_s1']}}
Summary: {{item.values['en#literatureAbstract.summary.html_s1']}}