Countries around the world are losing biodiversity at an alarming pace. Corruption is a critical factor in this regard as it fuels environmental degradation, including the destruction and exploitation of forests, marine species and wildlife. It is a key enabler of crimes that have an impact on the environment, constituting an increasing source of profits for organized criminal groups and their operations. Corruption undermines safety and security and deprives Governments of significant revenue streams and communities of their natural resources and livelihoods.
In recent years, the international community has taken measures to strengthen the global normative framework underpinning efforts to prevent, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate corruption linked to crimes that have an impact on the environment. Furthermore, efforts are made to enhance targeted advocacy to build awareness as to how corruption can fuel crimes that impact the environment.
At its 8th session, the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption adopted resolution 8/12 entitled Preventing and combating corruption as it relates to crimes that have an impact on the environment. This resolution is part of an extended list of resolutions adopted at various inter-governmental fora, that call for the protection of the environment and highlight the importance of addressing corruption in order to do so.
Since 2015, UNODC has been supporting Member States’ efforts to prevent and counter corruption related to crimes that have an impact on the environment. This support includes work in three main areas:
The Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime is responsible for the information in the link below.